Diego Javier Jiménez Avella

Research Scientist

Research Scientist


4332-WS02, Building 2

Selected Publications

  • Díaz Rodríguez CA, Díaz-García L, Bunk B, Sproer C, Herrera K, Tarazona NA, Rodriguez-R LM, Overmann J, Jiménez DJ. (2022). Novel bacterial taxa in a minimal lignocellulolytic consortium and their potential for lignin and plastics transformation. ISME Communications. 2:89.
  • Jiménez DJ, Öztürk B, Wei R, Bugg TDH, Amaya-Gómez CV, Salcedo F, Castro-Mayorga JL, Saldarriaga JF, Tarazona NA. (2022). Merging Plastics, Microbes and Enzymes: Highlights from an International Workshop.Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 88(14):e0072122.
  • Díaz-García L, Huang S, Spröer C, Sierra-Ramírez R, Bunk B, Overmann J, Jiménez DJ. (2021). Dilution-to-Stimulation/Extinction Method: a Combination Enrichment Strategy To Develop a Minimal and Versatile Lignocellulolytic Bacterial Consortium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 87(2):e02427-20. 
  • Allard SM, Costa MT, Bulseco AN, Helfer V, Wilkins LGE, Hassenrück C, Zengler K, Zimmer M, Erazo N, Mazza Rodrigues JL, Duke N, Melo VMM, Vanwonterghem I, Junca H, Makonde HM, Jiménez DJ, Tavares TCL, Fusi M, Daffonchio D, Duarte CM, Peixoto RS, Rosado AS, Gilbert JA, Bowman J. (2020) Introducing the Mangrove Microbiome Initiative: Identifying Microbial Research Priorities and Approaches To Better Understand, Protect, and Rehabilitate Mangrove Ecosystems. mSystems. 5(5):e00658-20.
  • Jiménez DJ, Dini-Andreote F, DeAngelis MK, Singer SW, Salles JF, van Elsas JD. (2017). Ecological insights in the dynamics of plant biomass-degrading microbial consortia. Trends in Microbiology. 2017, June 22. doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2017.05.012.


  • Ph.D. - Applied Microbial Ecology, University of Groningen (The Netherlands). – 2016
  • MSc. - Environmental Biotechnology. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). – 2011
  • BS. - Industrial Microbiology. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). - 2007


  • Honorius Degree (Magna cum laude). MSc., in Environmental Biotechnology. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia).
  • Thesis: Search of genes encoding lipolytic enzymes in a soil metagenomic library from Colombian high Andean Forest (Honorable Mention). 

Research Interests Keywords

Engineering of microbial communities Transformation of lignocellulose and plastics Meta-omics characterization of microbial communities Microbial ecology of marine and terrestrial ecosystems