Ph.D. Students

Minjing Su

Ph.D. Student

Sara M. Alromaih

Ph.D. student

Research Interests: Extremophile, Environmental Microbiology, Molecular biology, Plant microbial interactions

Wesam Bahitham

Ph.D. student

Research Interests: microbiome, Human pathogenic, Liver diseases

Master's Students

Shatha Abdullah Alghamdi

Master Student

Research Interests: Microbiomes, Industrial Biotechnology, Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals

Alexandra Rodriguez Cardenas

Master Student

Research Interests: Biosensors, Nanomaterials, Bioelectronics

Paula Garcia Martinez

Master Student

Research Interests: Astrobiology, Deep Sea Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Hydrothermal Systems, Methanogenesis

Tahani Faseh Alddin

Master Student

Research Interests: Microbial ecology, Environnmental Biotechnology, Extremophiles

Abdulaziz Alsuhaimi

Master Student

Research Interests: Environmental Microbiology, Molecular biology, Biotechnology

Research Group Staff

Tahira Jamil

Research Specialist


Beatriz Marques Lobato

Visiting PhD student

Research Interests: Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Microbiology, Bioprocess, Microbial induced corrosion

Sandra Guzmán Sánchez

VSRP student

Research Interests: Nanomaterials, Environmental remediation, Sustainability, Biomaterials


Salsabil Mohamed Makky

Visiting PhD student

Research Interests: Protein purification, Antimicrobial resistance, Biofilms, Virology, Biosynthesized nanoparticles

Isabel K Diercks

Visiting PhD Student

Research Interests: molecular biology, Geochemistry, Hydrothermal Systems

Wylerson Guimarães Nogueira

Visiting PhD Student

Research Interests: Immunobioinformatics, Vaccine development, Antimicrobial resistance, Metagenomics

Gabriel E Garau

Visiting PhD student

Anderson S De Freitas

Visiting PhD Student

Research Interests: Microbial Ecology, Bioinformatics, Next-Generation Sequencing

Isabella D Lopes

Visiting student

Arun Kumar Jaiswal

Visiting Researcher

Lucas G Gomes

Visiting student

Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Immunoinformatics, Drug and Vaccine Development, Structural Biology and Imaging

Axel Mendoza Ortiz

Master's Student