Adam Barno

Ph.D. Students

Ph.D. Student

Selected Publications

  • Host under epigenetic control: A novel perspective on the interaction between microorganisms and corals
    AR Barno, HDM Villela, M Aranda, T Thomas, RS Peixoto
    BioEssays, 43 (10): 2100068, (2021)
  • Assessing skeleton and microbiome responses of a calcareous sponge under thermal and pH stresses
    B Ribeiro, A Padua, A Barno, H Villela, G Duarte, A Rossi, FC Fernandes, ...
    ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsaa231, (2020)
  • Delivering Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals: Rotifers as Carriers of Probiotic Bacteria
    JM Assis, F Abreu, H Villela, A Barno, RF Valle, R Vieira, I Taveira, ...
    Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 3243, (2020)
  • Ecological and biotechnological importance of secondary metabolites produced by coral‐associated bacteria
    F Modolon, AR Barno, HDM Villela, RS Peixoto
    Journal of Applied Microbiology, 129 (6): 1441-1457, (2020)


  • MSc., Biology - Cell and Molecular Biology, San Diego State University, California, USA, 2019.
  • BSc., Biological Sciences - Anatomy and Physiology, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, California, USA, 2014.

Research Interests Keywords

Bacteria - Host Epigenome Interactions Mangrove viromes