Prof. Ayman gives a talk about Phages vs. Superbugs

29 April, 2024

Dr. Ayman El-Shibiny is currently working as a professor of biomedical sciences, Director of the Center for Microbiology and Phage Therapy (CMP)​, Director of the Center of Scientific Excellence for Food Research and Analysis- ISO 17025 accredited- (cSEFRA)​, and Founding Director of Food Safety and Quality Professional Diploma. 

The talk title is Phages vs. Superbugs: Can Bacteriophage Therapy Revolutionize Public Health?


The alarming rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a consequence of the widespread misuse of antibiotics, has escalated into a critical global concern. Superbugs, including Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, and Listeria, now defy multiple antibiotics, presenting formidable challenges for healthcare systems. These multi-drug-resistant (MDR) pathogens complicate treatment, inflate healthcare costs, and pose a grave threat to human health, food production, and overall safety. The potential withdrawal of antibiotics without viable alternatives could have severe implications. Therefore, novel approaches are urgently needed. Phage therapy, which utilizes lytic bacteriophages, has gained attention. These viruses selectively target and eliminate harmful bacteria while sparing beneficial ones.


The FDA recognizes the potential of phages, approving their use in veterinary medicine and as safe food additives for ready-to-eat products. This not only enhances food safety but also prevents foodborne diseases. Researchers at the Center for Microbiology and Phage Therapy (CMP) at Zewail City are at the forefront of exploring the vast potential of these viruses. Their research spans various applications:

  • Phage therapy: Directly targeting and eliminating harmful bacteria.
  • Phage biocontrol: Controlling bacterial contamination in food and wastewater treatment.
  • Investigating phage-derived proteins, such as endolysins, for treating bacterial infections.
  • Utilizing phages in drug delivery systems.
This research offers a promising future in the fight against bacterial infections.