Going to extremes to tackle oil contamination (KAUST Discovery)

08 November, 2022

Dr. Junia Schultz's work at KAUST and latest publications are highlighted by KAUST Discovery.

Based on this articles:

1. Schultz, J., Argentino, I.C.V., Kallies, R., da Rocha, U.N. & Rosado, A.S. Polyphasic analysis reveals potential petroleum hydrocarbon degradation and biosurfactant production by rare biosphere thermophilic bacteria from Deception Island, an active Antarctic volcano. Frontiers in Microbiology 13 (2022).

2. Schultz, J., Parise, M.T.D., Parise, D., Medeiros, L.G., Sousa, T.J., Kato, R.B., Uetanabaro, A.P.T., Araújo, F., Ramos, R.T.J., de Castro Soares, S., Brenig, B., de Carvalho Azevedo, V.A., Góes-Neto, A. & Rosado, A.S. Unraveling the genomic potential of the thermophilic bacterium Anoxybacillus flavithermus from an Antarctic geothermal environment. Microorganisms 10, 1673 (2022).
