Prof. Rosado speaks at COP27

11 January, 2023

Representatives from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) convened in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from Nov 6 – 18 at COP27, the 27th Conference of the Parties and largest annual gathering on climate action in the world. The United Nations event took place in three designated areas across the city center — the Blue, Green and Climate Action Innovation Zones.

KAUST Professor of Bioscience Alexandre Rosado was among the faculty researchers who gave presentations in the Green Zone at COP27, show here discussing the role of microbiomes in mangrove environments as key to maintaining healthy ecosystem functioning. “My interest is in the carbon fixation cycle in microbes, and how we can leverage the power of the microbiome to improve plant health and help with different environmental issues, like mangrove restoration.”


More information can be found here: KAUST at COP27: Taking sustainable to scale